Saturday, January 10, 2015

Polillo Coral Reef


Located just before the entrance to the cave of Polillo town, the coral reef has a length of about five kilometers and a width of about two kilometers. It is also a good spot for snorkeling and diving. Some parts are so shallow that any type of ship and banca will have to make a detour to avoid the reef area. Some parts have so-called walls which are more than a hundred feet deep.

Polillo’s coral reefs are characterized by fringing reefs around the islands with underwater coral islands just below the surface in many places. During low tide, the extensive reef flats become exposed.

The coral reefs drop down to about fourteen meters in most places, after which it changes into a sandy bottom with coral patches.

Many of the species found are adapted to murky waters such as Soapfish (Diplorion bifasciatum) and Sand Bass (Psammoperca waigiensis).

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