Friday, January 9, 2015

Mt. Mating-oy Dinayao (Sleeping Beauty)


These fabled mountain ranges in the border of the municipalities of Tinglayan and Tanudan and they take the form of a sleeping lady supinely lying at its back. A vantage view of the profile can be seen from the Sungang view or from Basao. 

Mt. Patukan is rich in both legend and culture. The mountain is considered the forehead of what is known as the "Sleeping Beauty", a mountain range in the Kalinga province so colorfully named as such. It was the Lubo tribes that christened the mountain as 'Patukan'; these Lubo tribesmen are known for their hospitality. Strangers in their land are considered as their guests, and you can stay at the house of a bodong holder, or the barangay captain or anybody's house. You will be considered one of the tribes once you are under their territorial land, anything that happens to you is their responsibility.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the mountain, the equally-friendly natives of Tinglayan town call the mountain 'Mt. Mating-oy Dinayao'. A beautiful, romantic tale is behind this name: Once upon a time in the village of Dacalan, there lived a beautiful maiden named Dinayao. The exceeding charm and virtues of the young lady reached the ears of Binsay, a dashing and charismatic lad of Luplupa Tinglayan. So he traveled to Dacalan to see Dinayao. They fell in love at first sight; Binsay promised Dinayao that he will return at meet her at the summit of Mt. Patukan. However, when he returns home, he found out that his tribe is preparing for an imminent invasion of the village by warriors of another tribe. On the day that Binsay and Dinayao were supposed to meet at the summit of Mt. Patukan, a fierce battle took place in Binsay's village and he had to help defend his tribe. Meanwhile, at the summit of the mountain, Dinayao is very eager to wait for Binsay. But instead of seeing her lover, it was Binsay’s brother who arrived, and he tells her that Binsay have been killed in the battle. Dinayao decided to stay in the mountain, he vowed to take her love till death to Binsay, so she lay down at the summit until her death. Perhaps she is the 'Sleeping Beauty' that forever dreams of the memory of her beloved Binsay.

This legendary mountain has only begun to be discovered, thanks to the pioneering efforts of Sir Nathaniel Dalanao and the group he formed, the Kalinga Mountaineering Society. He is the source of information for this article.

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