Saturday, January 10, 2015

Mt. Bulusan


Mt. Bulusan, or Bulusan Volcano, in Sorsogon, rises to 1565 MASL and is one of the active volcanoes in the Philippines. Recent eruptions in 2006, 2007, 2010, and 2011 intermittently closed the mountain for several years, until it reopened in June 2012. In that same month, and team visited the volcano, and the stunning beauty of Mt. Bulusan was revealed to us.

These features and views make Bulusan Volcano easily one of the most beautiful climbs in the Philippines, not to mention that biodiversity that has the potential to attract birdwatchers and wildlife enthusiasts. Considering that it is also one of the most active volcanoes in the country, hikers interested on this mountain should climb it soon, before it erupts again! The impressive local organization of trained and very friendly guides, caretakers, and even an EMT officer gives me no hesitation to recommend Bulusan as a must-try hiking destination in the Philippines!

Bulusan volcanic complex is located at the southern extremity of the Bicol arc in the south-east of Luzon. It consists of the active cone of Mt. Bulusan, 11 km wide Irosin caldera, and older dissected volcanic centres that include the Gate Mountains at the
southern tip of the peninsula and Mt. Bintacan to the west.

At the summit, however, with favorable weather conditions, the view is absolutely breathtaking. The crater, traditionally known as the "Blackbird Lake" is a gaping void surrounded by fragile rocky ridges where sulfuric steam continues to emanate from; and on the other side, Lake Aguingay looks very tranquil under the shadow of Sharp Peak. Beyond Bulusan's realm, the towns of Sorsogon can be seen and on a blessed day, the distant perfect cone of Mayon Volcano can be spotted.

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