Saturday, January 10, 2015

Lami-Lamihan Festival


Highlights the preservation of Yakan cultural heritage, historical customs, traditions, and showcases the unique and colorful Yakan clothes and presentations.

The legendary figure Pedro Javier Cuevas known as Datu kalun to the Yakans, escapee from the San Ramon Penal Farm who through bravery and leadership subjugated Yakan chieftains and consolidated their forces into one, way back in 1878 and continued his reign up to 1899, founded Lamitan in 1886.

Lami-Lamihan was born out of his reign. The meeting of Yakan chieftains – a blend of conference and merry – making was termed Paglami-Lamihan. Incidentally, Lamitan is derived from this term.

Witness the famous Yakan war dance (Tumahik) performed by the natives, an event reminiscent of a glorious past when differences were oftentimes settled by personal combat; observe the graceful movements of the local beauties dancing to the pulsating beat through the accompaniment of the primitive agaong, kulintangan, gabbang and kuliang; enjoy the sight of an annual ethnic games; hear the unique blend of beatings of different musical instruments played by the natives; watch the graceful Yakan dance ensemble; witness the authentic Yakan wedding and see other interesting visual scenes.

The consistent observance of the foundation of Lamitan jibes with the national policy on upholding the rich cultural heritage of our people has already earned the recognition of the Department of Tourism and has been included in the list of Philippines Festivals and Events Calendar.

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