Saturday, January 10, 2015

Lake Venado


There is a lake at the foot of the said mountain which they called the Lake Venado. The name came from a Spanish word  which means deer. Locals call it   (clear) because of its crystal-clear water that reflects the mountain. Many people would say that the lake is enchanted, that an  (fairy) or some kind of entity was living there.

This simple small lake not only gives a breath-taking picture scene to mountain climbers but was also believed to take lives of these innocent hikers. Well, it is true that almost every year people die there for some reason. The lake is the favorite camping site by people who come there. Some of them dare to take a deep on it.

The vicinity of the lake is a popular camping site for Filipino mountaineers en route to and coming down from the peak of Mount Apo, the Philippines' highest mountain. In 2007, a Filipino mountaineer coming down from the peak of Mount Apo, drowned in the lake.

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