Friday, January 9, 2015

Dawel River Cruise


The rivers, they say, are the home of the famous Dagupan bangus (milkfish). The dark green color of the water is said to be an indicator that there are a lot of planktons and algae that serve as food for the bangus.

Dawel River Cruise is somewhat similar to what is being offered in other tourist sites like the Loboc River Cruise in Bohol. The natural scenery is not exactly same though, so it’s worth checking out both.

Dagupan’s landscape has more of coastal wetlands with a wider and more complex natural waterways.

It was refreshing to know the city government launched the Dawel River Cruise. I thought it was an excellent way to experience the natural beauty of Dagupan and learn more about lifeblood of communities along the Dawel River.

The best part of the cruise was the fish pond stop-over. Many ponds are situated along the river. We met Gerry who was taking care of really large bangus. It was my first time to see bangus with backs that are colored green.

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