Friday, January 9, 2015

Apo Anno Cave


 It is a potential natural attraction found in Natubleng. It is a burial cave where the mummified body of the great Apo Anno, a legendary hunter was laid. After a long search for the mummy stolen from his ancient burial cave sometime in the 1920s. Apo Anno has come home to his final resting place in Nabalicong, Natubleng. 

The plight and preservation of these Mummies are very real, against vandalizing visitors and thefts that would lead these revered Ibaloi ancestors to the black market. It's good to know that our government pays a close watch, we were only allowed as it is to visit these caves along the slopes of Mt Timbak, it is known that these caves century old as they were, that dates back even before the Spaniards came to colonize the Philippines and spread Roman Catholicism. The Mummy caves of Mt Timbak are famous along  to with many other sites in Benguet Province, simply because it is here that these sacred Mummies where opened to the public's awareness, hence the looting and vandalism came. I've heard accounts of Mummy caves even in Mt Pulag, and knowing that most of these caves are unprotected, it serves well that the elders of the Ibaloi tribes kept mum of these sites.

The Mummies fascinated me, seeing the human remains of a revered Filipino ancestor. I only have but utmost respect, safe in fetal position in their wooden coffins, with prayers offered by our guide before they were opened to us.

Perhaps one of the most famous Mummy from Benguet is Apo Anno, a true  legend of folklore and is even thought to be a son of a goddess. His remains is now safe in it's sealed cave in Natubleng, Buguias, Benguet.

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